CTD crash, error, bug, and all kinds of problems with the Dawn of Man can be fixed with the troubleshooting guide on this page.
Let me give you the generic solutions right away:
- Reinstall the game.
- Run the game as an administrator.
- Upgrade graphic drivers.
- Disable antivirus or whitelist DawnOfMan.exe in your antivirus settings.
- Delete Dawn of Man folder in the documents.
- Uninstall Citrix.
Specific errors and their solutions are explained below.
Dawn of Man Not Starting
The game loads but when its ready and you hit play, the game loads back again. Which is an infinite play load loop. That’s a bug and can be fixed easily.
Dawn of man press any key bug can be fixed in very simple steps:
- Verify files on Steam. If that doesn’t work completely uninstall and reinstall the game. Again, reinstall the game if you get it from another platform. If it’s still not working, try reinstalling the game on a different disk. Because this is a game-file problem after all.
- Still not working? Remove any mods. It might be a mod issue since they edit game-files as well.
Unity 2022.3.8.fbl Error
This is an error that can be fixed by reinstalling the game. If that doesn’t work, just upgrade your graphic cards, and add DawnofMan.exe to the whitelist of your antivirus.
Basically, any unity error is in any game is usually because of your graphic drivers or badly installed game files.
Can’t Load Save
ERROR; Could not load file: profile.sav
Ensure OnlineDrive is running and your Documents/DawnOfMan folder is available offline.
If you can’t load the save, game is probably having a problem accessing your save files. It’s best to move your documents from onedrive to your local disk.
To move documents folder to another drive in Windows 11, press Windows + R, run %HOMEPATH%, right click to documents folder, choose properties, and go to location tab. There you can move it to the folder you like.
Could Not Load File
ERROR: Could not load file: settings.sav
Ensure OneDrive is running and your Documents/DawnOfMan folder is available offline.
It’s literally same with the can’t load save problem I’ve just explained above.
Can unlink OneDrive and completely uninstall OneDrive. Documents / DawnOfMan folder must be accessible to the game.exe after all.
Crash on Startup
Dawn of Man Crash on startup is just another big problem. It can happen for multiple reasons.
If you see “d3d11.dll caused an Access Violation” this error, it’s time to reinstall you graphic drivers. “UnityPlayer.dll caused an Access Violation” same too. If reinstalling or updating graphic drivers doesn’t work, you need to uninstall Citrix Virtual Display. Probably it’s the main reason behind crash on startup.
Crash on Save
This is %100 anti-virus issue. Bit-Defender is the usual suspect. To fix this, you need to open your anti-virus, go to ransomware settings and add DawnOfMan.exe to the exceptions. It’s probably thinking Dawn of Man is a virus and blocks it from creating a save file thinking it’s a suspicious activity.
So, allowing dawnofman.exe to run freely from antivirus fixes the issue. If you got the game from the Steam or another legit platform, you need not to worry about virus stuff.
Random CTD (crash to desktop) problems are mainly because your system is unable to run the game any further. It happens when you reach higher populations. There is not really a fix for it except reducing your population. Can also reduce graphics and upgrade your PC but that’s also not a %100 solution.
The game can still crash to desktop even if you have the latest high-end gaming rig. Because the game is old and is not optimized for higher populations.
People and Animals Getting Stuck Bug
Stuck bug is just another game engine problem mostly appear when your PC is unable to run the game smoothly.
Can try to fix it by:
- Sounding the alarm.
- Manually moving people.
- Save & load.
- Reducing graphics.
- Upgrading PC.