Dawn of Man Population Guide

dawn of man population

Growing your population in Dawn of Man is a long challenging process. Population growth is very low, and your people can die to many things such as raiders, wild animals, lightning strike, hunger, thirst, and old age. But don’t worry, I’ll tell you the correct way of growing and preserving your population.

Population can grow in two ways in this game. First one is births and the other is migration. Birthrates are static, can’t do anything about it. Except for not letting females die. Because women are essential to pop growth via birthrates. Can’t really do anything for migration either except for editing migration rates for custom scenarios. Which I explained in detail in the bottom of this page.

Bigger populations require lots of lots of food. Thus, I recommend you have a solid farmlands, tools, stables, and domestic animals before going wild with housing. Can get big populations but if you can’t sustain people’s needs, settlement can be completely wiped out. You can’t even recover after a certain point of death from hunger because morale of people will hit zero. They won’t do anything!

Big settlements also raided by big raid parties. So, you’ll need to build strong defenses as well. Raids are the biggest threat to your population. So, better build perfect defenses and defend raids manually to minimize deaths. Simply choose idle defenders and right click to raiders near gates. It’s the most effective way of defending. You can also edit the percentage of male and female defenders via alarm bell. I always reduce or completely remove female defenders. Because females are the key to population growth via birthrates! Men are expendable.

Dawn of Man Population Cheat

Population cheat or population mod of Dawn of Man is just a simple scenario edit you can do by yourself. Unedited default built-in scenarios can be found on this steam community page. All you have to do is to edit continental_dawn.scn.xml with a notepad and copy its folder to the documents > users > Dawn of Man > scenarios. Then you can access your custom-made scenario from the community tab of new game screen.

Dawn of Man migration and birthrate cheats:

<action type=”SetMigrationParameters” min=”2″ max=”4″ period=”1y” decrease_start_population=”100″ decrease_halfing_population=”100″/> (Default)

I would simply edit migration numbers to min=8 max=12 and don’t change yearly period. This default parameter also reduces migration after hitting 100 population. If you don’t want migration to reduce, set migration decrease population limit to 500 or 1000.

<action type=”SetBirthParameters” decrease_start_population=”150″ decrease_halfing_population=”200″/>

As you can see, we can’t increase birthrates. However, we can remove the birthrate decreases after certain populations. If you don’t want birthrates to go down, simply set decrease_start_population and decrease_halfing_population to 500 / 1000.

Or you can get no population limit scenario from here and don’t bother with xml editing. It’s all up to you. This custom-made no population scenario also removes animal extinction. Yes, you can edit population parameters, animal populations, raid frequencies, and more from the scenario xml. It’s very easy to do!

Thanks for reading, do not hesitate to ask any question you like, and I’ll see you soon.

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