Don’t you hate it when your people animals get stuck in random places? It’s really bad for workload, hunger, raids, and overall gameplay experience. But don’t worry, I’ll tell you how to fix stuck people animal in Dawn of Man.
Why does people and animals get stuck in this game? Is it bad design or there is something else? Well, the main cause of stuck problem in this game is the game performance. If your computer is barely running the game, except people, animals and even items to get stuck in random places.
So, how to unstuck? You can sound the alarms as if there is a raid coming! People go to gates and animals go to stables during a defense alert situation. That should unstuck everyone. If that doesn’t work, try deleting the building, bridge, or the rock pile they’ve stuck in. This can free the stuck people. Can try to move people manually as well.
These are the all solutions you can do in-game. Other than that, you can save & load and see if it fixes the issue. Also, reduce graphics and reduce population for increasing game performance. That’s the only way to prevent bugs. Or simply upgrade your PC!
Unfortunately Dawn of Man is an outdated game with an outdated engine. It doesn’t run very smoothly, especially if you have an older gaming rig.
Final notes: Some say reducing the game speed fixes the issue. But Dawn of Man is meant to be played at 8x, or 4x minimum. All in all, getting a better PC seems like the ultimate solution.
Thanks for reading, do let me know what you think in the comment section below, and I’ll see you soon.