Losing a limb is an interesting thing in video games. I don’t even get mad when my character loses a limb and still continues working, fighting, etc. But the best games are the ones where u can lose limbs and replace them with artificial augmentations or prosthetics.
When a character loses a limb, and still continues what he/she’s doing, it’s worthy of praise! That’s something impossible in real life obviously but is an epic thing in games, movies, literature, etc.
Games you can lose limbs:
1. Kenshi
2. Rimworld
3. Containcorp
4. Battle Brothers
5. Project Zomboid
Project Zomboid, I believe you can amputate limbs when bitten but I know for sure you can start your character as an amputee < The Only Cure Mod
6. Crusader Kings 3
Battle injuries and medieval diseases might end up in your character losing limbs. Especially when you tell your doctor it’s time for more drastic measures during treatment.
7. LISA: The Painful
Here is another game you can potentially lose limbs. Anything can happen in its Mad-Max-like universe.
8. Chivalry II
Online brawler where you can lose a limb and still continue fighting until the next round.
9. Deadliest Warrior: The Game
10. Robinson’s Requiem
Any games where you can lose limbs permanently? : gamingsuggestions (reddit.com)