Best RPG Genres

Most popular genres in role playing games.

best rpg genres

8 best RPG genres. RPG (role playing game) is a game genre in which player assumes the role of a custom or pre-made character in fantasy setting. The player will develop the character as story progress, make choices in branching quest, and somewhat identify with the character. The RPG genre needs to mix with another genre to create the game setting. The end result would be like fantasy RPG, real life RPG, horror RPG, etc.


I’ve included only the most popular RPG genres to this list. So, if you can think of a very good, underrepresented RPG genre, do let us know in the comment section.

8 genres that are working best with RPGs in general:

1. Fantasy

2. Sci Fi

3. Post Apocalyptic

4. Cyberpunk

5. Detective

6. Realistic Medieval

7. Zombie

8. Vampire

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