Most movies, literature, and games follow the Hero’s Journey. Hero sets on a journey, faces challenges, meets a mentor. That’s the original script. It’s no surprise most video games also have mentors. So, who are the most memorable ones? You’re now reading the best video game mentors list.
Mentor is an experienced person who teaches, influences, or gives help to a less experienced younger person. Their student called mentee.
There are many video games where you find yourself in a mentor mentee relationship to learn new skills, abilities, and talents. I think it’s a good implementation.
15 best video game mentor characters:
1. Altair

2. Ezio

3. Arngeir

4. Kratos

5. Vesemir

6. Duncan

7. Victor Sullivan

8. David Anderson

9. Sotaro Komaki

10. Eleazar Fig

11. Brom

Brom is the father of main character in Fable. He is only in game for 5 minutes. Yet, his impact on the player character is very clear.
One of the quotes from Brom:
Hmm, I tell you what. I’ll give you a gold piece for each good deed you do around Oakvale.
As you can see, Brom programs the boy from a very young age by giving him a gold piece for each good deed he does. It’s reward-based programming, mentoring.
12. Professor Oak

13. Dutch van der Linde

Dutch Van Der Linde is John and Arthur’s mentor. He teaches them literacy, some education, self-defence, etc. And offered lots of opportunities. John called him teacher and mentor in RDR1.
Some believe Dutch was manipulating younglings. They joined his gang after all. It isn’t exactly a good life.
Regardless, Dutch made John and Arthur who they are. They see him as a father figure.
14. Eli Vance

15. Michael