Best Video Game Waifus – 2023

20 cutes, hottest, and the most beautiful waifus in video games.

best game waifus

Hello and welcome to the ranking of 20 best video game waifus of 2023. I’ve compiled most beautiful fictional female characters taken from the popular games.

Now please don’t cringe because I’m about to define waifu first and last time just for you. A waifu by definition is a fictional character from mangas, animes or games whom one is attracted and considers their ideal significant other. The word itself obviously derived from wife. There is also another term called husbando coming from husband but that’s not the topic of today.


Now don’t come and ask me why you didn’t include her and her. It’s probably because I’ve included another waifu from the same game. For the sake of keeping this article short and diverse, I’ve included only one waifu from one video game. Otherwise, I would have had to include at least 10 characters from the games like Witcher.

1. Serana



2. Yennefer of Vengerberg

Witcher 3


3. Liara

Mass Effect


4. Alyx

Half Life

5. Freya

God of War


6. Elizabeth



7. Aloy

Horizon Zero Dawn


8. Virginia

Sons of the Forest


Oh by the way, she has 3 arms and 4 legs…

9. Professor Garlick

Hogwarts Legacy


10. Alfira

Baldur’s Gate 3


11. Quiet

metal gear solid


12. Judy


13. Claire Redfield

Resident Evil

14. Morrigan

Dragon Age Origins

15. Kassandra

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

16. Rhagaea

Mount & Blade Bannerlord

17. Matilda of Tuscany

Crusader Kings 3 is a medieval 4k strategy game heavily focused on RPG elements. It has two start dates 867 and 1066. You can pick one start date and choose a ruler from all over the available world. One of the most popular and interesting choice is most definitely the Matilda of Tuscany. She is cute, interesting, ambitious, and fun to play with.

You don’t have to play as her either. In fact, you can choose a single ruler and get your character to marry Matilda of Tuscany. Then, once your character dies, you can continue to play as the children of yours and Matildas.

18. Lara Croft

Tomb Raider


19. Bayonetta


20. Shelob

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War

Is that Stoya? Anyways,

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