HOI4 which support companies are the best? Hello, and welcome! Today I will be answering this question with my HOI4 support company tier list. Support companies can be game changing. That is why you should always pick the right ones.
Tired of losing battles that you should win? Maybe your support company choices are the problem. O hope this guide and tier list helps you with your division template choices.
Best HOI4 support companies tier list:
1. Engineer Company
Best support company in Hearts of Iron IV is engineer company. Its buffs are so good, it’s a no brainer choice.
Terrain bonuses:
- Fort: +10% attack, +25% defense.
- River: +25% movement, +25% defense.
- Amphibious: +25% attack.
- Forest: +5% movement, +25% defense.
- Hills: +10% defense.
- Jungle: +25% defense.
- Marsh: +20% movement, +25% defense.
Engineer company is not terrain bonus only! It also gives great defense combat stat and entrenchment to the division. So, all your divisions must have engineer company. Except the garrison of course.
2. Motorized Recon Company
Recon company gives reconnaissance and terrain bonuses.
Motorized recon terrain bonuses are:
- River, hills, mountain, and marsh +%10 movement speed.
- Plains +%15 movement speed.
- Jungle +%5 movement speed.
- Desert +%20 movement speed.
When two divisions fight, leaders choose tactics. These tactics are most of the time random and chosen by AI generals.
So, attack/assault can be countered by counter attack and shock can be countered by ambush. General with the higher reconnaissance always picks the right tactic. Therefore making its army superior to the enemy.
Instead of picking cavalry or armored recon company, I like to choose motorized recon. Because motorized recon company gives 1.5 reconnaissance whereas others gives only 1.
3. Support Artillery
Artillery is the best weapon for shredding enemy infantry. It also takes huge bonuses from the best HOI4 doctrine, superior firepower.
In the beginning, most nations only have foot infantry, with a few exceptions. For pushing infantry, your divisions must have enough soft attack. That is why support artillery is one of the best support company for attacking.
Your infantry divisions alone cannot push the frontlines without artillery.
4. Field Hospital
Support company field hospital have two unique bonus. First one is trickleback. That prevents manpower losses in combat. Pretty good deal for nations with lower manpower.
The second bonus is experience loss prevention. Keeping your wounded alive prevents experience loss during losses. Which is pretty important because experience gives huge advantage in combat.
5. Logistics Company
Logistic company is also super important. Especially with this new supply and oil system.
All it does is basically reducing supply and fuel usage. Each level gives -10% supply and -5% fuel usage. At level 4, total bonuses becomes -40% supply and -20% fuel usage. Pretty neat.
Your motorized and tank divisions must have logistic company for reducing oil usage. Of course USA is an exception to that because of its infinite oil source.
Another key point is supply. In order to fight effectively in Africa, East Asia, and deep Russia, you need logistics company. Otherwise your divisions will suffer high attrition and supply will be a huge problem.
6. Support Anti Air
If you don’t expect to have decisive air superiority against your opponent, support anti-air would be good to have.
Besides support anti air not only works against air units, but also attacks enemy divisions. Depending on the situation your divisions in.
But I wouldn’t use it if I believe I have the air superiority. That would be a waste of support company slot.
7. Support Anti-Tank

Fighting against a superpower with lots of tanks? Then you need to have support anti-tank in your infantry divisions.
Anti tank units are quite useful especially defending against German Reich and Soviet Union. Because they have lots of tank divisions.
8. Signal Company
Signal company grants initiative. Which increases reinforce rate and planning speed of your divisions. I personally don’t find it useful. However, some players like to choose this support company for their tank divisions. So, that is why signal company goes lower on my Hearts of Iron IV support company tier list.
9. Military Police
Expansionist nations such as German Reich, Japan, Italy, and Soviet Union will encounter lots of resistance. In order to suppress resistance in the occupied lands, you must add military police to your garrison divisions.
HOI4 BEST DIVISION TEMPLATES < Check this guide for best garrison division templates.
Don’t forget, military police is only for garrison divisions. It is pretty much useless for other divisions that fights against your enemies.
10. Support Rocket Artillery
Rocket artillery is the improved version of regular artillery. It has lots of soft attack. However, it is expensive and not really worth it. I would stuck to the regular artillery because it is much more easy to get.
Support rocket artillery is just not cost effective.
I didn’t add maintenance company because I believe it is useless. It only gives really small reliability which is not that important. Because you can design strong tanks with %100 reliability anyway. I would use that support company slot for something much more useful.
What support companies to use in HOI4? Use the first 5 support company in this tier list. Others are situational and sometimes better, but you need to read the game correctly.
Lets wrap this up. This is my top 10 HOI4 support company tier list. Most of the time, you should pick the first 5 support companies. As long as you can equip them of course. But don’t forget to pick situational stuff such as anti air or anti tank. Be versatile and you will conquer the world!