Don’t you love it when the main villain of a game is a little bit crazy? It’s no surprise all the popular villains are somewhat insane. There is an appeal to it in fiction. So, I made a list of the most popular insane video game characters.
Most crazy characters in this list are either villains or side NPCs. Except few main characters. Playing as a crazy person also a unique experience in gaming.
Beware, these guys are total maniacs and psychos. If it’s gonna trigger a PTSD or something, just forget about it, move on.
Our favorite mentally unstable video game characters top 20:
1. Joker

Joker is the main antagonist of the Batman: Arkham Asylum. And everybody knows, Joker is insane!
Even the game is set in an Asylum… Some says Joker is not insane, he is just psycho. Well, I think he is both.
Original Joker from older comics went insane after falling into chemicals. Although it is changed in the latest Joker (2019) movie. He is now insane because of his mother and the environment instead of chemicals.
2. Sheogorath

3. Jeanette/Therese Voerman

4. Trevor Phillips

5. Vaas

6. Postal Dude

7. Alex Mason

8. Senua

9. Sander Cohen

10. Max

11. Isaac Clarke

12. Captain Martin Walker

13. Max Payne

Max Payne suffers from depression, addiction, survivor’s guilt, and PTSD. The guy has a nice collection got going.
He lost his family, framed for murder, and hunted by both cops and the mob. Can you blame him for going crazy?
It’s no surprise why Max Payne fell into liquor and painkiller addiction. At least we witness him have his vengeance.
14. Harrier Du Bois

15. Jack Baker

Erratic behavior of Baker family is a result of a psychoactive fungal. Mold completely replaced every human cell in Jack Baker’s body. Zombie virus is now a zombie fungus…
Anyways, Jack Baker and his family kidnapped and ate hundreds of people in the fictional town of Louisiana named Dulvey Parish.
All in all, these insane hillbillies are the scariest Resident Evil villains ever.
16. Randall Tugman

17. Psycho

Psychos are bandits who have gone insane, obsessed with the Vault. It’s suggested that they’re exposed to radiation while mining iridium, thus went insane.
It’s very easy to recognize them by their gas mask, deranged cries, psychotic laughter, and violent behavior.
You can even play as Krieg (The Psycho) in Borderlands 2.
18. Jinx

She is a traumatized child; her parents were killed when she was a little girl. Just like the Batman.
Jinx is implied to have schizophrenia, because she sees and hears things that aren’t real.
She’s also showing signs of borderline personality disorder due to her intense emotions, mood swings and impulsive behaviors.
Her obsession with bombs and killing people is just another red flag.
19. Gollum

Gollum’s life is a true tragedy. He was originally a hobbit named Smeagol, living a humble hobbit life, peaceful. Then he found the one ring, or the ring found him.
One Ring extended his life, deformed his body, and drove him to insanity.
With the influence of the ring, Gollum developed dissociative identity disorder and split personality. Smeagol was his good side while Gollum is his bad.
Here is how Gandalf explains Gollum’s addiction:
He hates and loves the Ring, as he hates and loves himself.
20. Adoring Fan

Adoring fan is dangerously obsessed with the player grand champion of arena which is the player. He is unstable, obsessed, stalker, deranged, and definitely unhinged. Just listen to how he speaks…
He is the prime example of real-life people who are obsessed with the celebrities.
Golly, you’re the best! I’m going to follow you and watch you and worship the ground you walk on! Let’s go!
Appears in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls: Legends, and Starfield. Totally an enigmatic character…