Baldur’s Gate 3 is released as early access and people who didn’t bought it yet wonders… Is Baldur’s Gate 3 worth? Is Baldur’s Gate 3 fun? The answer is simple. It absolutely is. Even in the early access phase BG3 is really fun to play.. I can’t even imagine how fun it will be on the full release. Also by playing Baldur’s Gate 3 co-op with other players, you can increase the fun geometrically.
Second question, is Baldur’s Gate 3 worth its price tag? To be honest, it is not worth the price at the moment. Because BG3 is an early access game that only allows you to play act 1. However, it is a great game and will be fully released eventually. Why not buy it early with %10 discount? If you like isometric RPGs, D&D, or Divinity Original Sin series, just buy it. You won’t regret it.
But remember, full release is expected to be in 2023. Also it might be delayed for extended periods. All in all, now what you are getting into and make your own choice! You already know mine.
Is Baldur’s Gate 3 Good?

My friends keep asking to me, is Baldur’s Gate 3 that good? Duh, yes, it is. My answer is always the same… I can’t see any RPG fan not liking BG3. Even in its early access state, BG3 is highly enjoyable game. So, don’t think twice before you buy Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s really good.
Are you ready to discuss the pros and cons of Baldur’s Gate 3? I would like to hear your opinion on this matter, you can leave comment below. I believe BG3 have many pros and few cons.
Baldur’s Gate 3 pros:
- Rich story.
- Choices matter.
- Top class voice acting.
- Mod support.
- Beautiful characters, landscapes, and designs.
- Amazing graphics.
- Co-op option.
- Exploration aspect of the game. Kind of an open-world.
- Thieving. (My favorite thing in RPGs.)
- BG3 Romance options. <3
Baldur’s Gate 3 cons:
- Obviously BG3 being an early access game.
- Irritating and obnoxious companions. (Probably will change in the future.)
- 4 character party limit. (6 would be better in my opinion.)
- Need of small optimization for older systems.
All in all, Baldur’s Gate 3 pros are way more than the cons and you should definitely give it a try. Besides, these cons will be fixed in the future with the full release. Therefore, Baldur’s Gate 3 is a good game and one of the best RPGs of all times. Even it its current state. It is a Larian Studios game after all.
Should I Play Baldur’s Gate 3 or Wait?
To be honest, most people are prejudiced against early access, including myself. However, Baldur’s Gate 3 early access is really smooth and totally playable.
Of course, it is missing some classes, races, and later Acts. Which sucks in the end. Still, it is highly enjoyable game. Also, Baldur’s Gate 3 have really high re-playability because of the race / class / decisions / RPG combo. Therefore you should definitely play Baldur’s Gate 3 instead of waiting many months.
You playing BG3 early access is helpful for development. Because all your in-game data stored by Larian to improve gameplay. As for myself, I don’t mind being part of this amazing game.
For buying, I think you should buy Baldur’s Gate 3 now. Because once early access ends and the game fully releases, price will go up.