Stellaris Galaxy Settings for Best Performance

Like every other Paradox game, Stellaris too can't handle late game on default settings. But I know few tips that'll significantly boost Stellaris late game performance.

stellaris performance

Do you want Stellaris to run faster and smoother on your PC? Simplest way to boost Stellaris performance is optimizing galaxy settings. It’s also the best way because nobody wants to reduce graphics or go buy a new gaming rig… So, keep reading to learn most optimal Stellaris galaxy settings for best performance.

You’ll need to start a new save of course. Because you can’t change galaxy setting on an existing save game. So, say bye to your existing save game which is already crippled by late-game lag. To new horizons my friend…


There are 32 different galaxy settings in Stellaris. All are affecting both gameplay and game performance. Some have much more impact on performance than others. I hope this guide will give you more insight on settings so that you can optimize Stellaris and finally enjoy it.

7 Stellaris performance boost tips:

1. Galaxy Size

Default galaxy size in Stellaris is medium (600 stars). It can be adjusted between tiny (200 stars) and huge (1000 stars).

For performance, you can play with the smallest galaxy size (200 stars) but that would ruin the Stellaris experience. I think 400 is the optimal one for both gameplay and performance-wise.

400 is not small enough to miss content and is very good for performance. As for the galaxy shape, it has no impact on the performance.

All in all, reducing galaxy size settings in Stellaris will significantly boost the end-game performance.

2. AI Factions

There are bunch of AI factions in Stellaris. You can adjust their numbers or completely remove them from the game in the galaxy settings.

Stellaris AI factions and their impact on performance:

3. Habitable Worlds

Habitable worlds and guaranteed habitable worlds are two different settings.

I think habitable worlds can be reduced from default 1x to 0.5 or 0.75. You can later expand your empire by terraforming and constructing ring worlds anyway.

Guaranteed habitable worlds are perfect worlds for your species that are spawned near your home star system. It’s not exclusive to player, AI will get them too. Thus, reducing or completely removing guaranteed habitable worlds will boost the performance.

More worlds mean more pops, more buildings, and more resource calculation. That’s where the lag comes from!

If you think reducing worlds will reduce AI growth, you can always improve difficulty and reduce tech/tradition costs.

4. Xeno-Compatibility

This is also another huge one. Can be only turned on or off. It’s the one and only ascension perk that can be disabled on the galaxy settings. Why? Because it’s one of the biggest anti-performance things in the Stellaris. You should always turn it off even if you’re going to pick the ascension perk, because AI can and will take it.


What it does? Xeno-compatibility allows crossbreeding between two alien species. That creates countless new species, new portraits, new traits, and unstoppable end-game lag. It also increases pop growth.

Xeno-Compatibility can easily crash your game in the late-game when you open the species menu. Thus, I always disable it and recommend you do the same.

5. Logistic Growth Ceiling / Growth Required Scaling

Logistic growth ceiling: Pop growth speed increases as pop numbers increase. Adjust down all the way to 1x which is the minimum. That’ll boost the late-game performance a lot.

Growth required scaling: Increasing will punish the growth on big empires planets. Go all the way up to 1x for best performance.

AI loves colonizing every possible planet on its borders. That increases galaxy population immensely and simultaneously reducing game performance. Only way to fix it is reducing population growth by any means necessary.

6. L-Gates

L-Gates summon a sized mini galaxy called L-Cluster just outside of the map. It’ll have 9-star systems and 3 potential factions. Two factions can lower the game performance.

Any empire can open a L-Gate and unleash whatever inside. It is a matter of time. So, you can disable L-Gates entirely in the settings for both performance and for your safety!

7. Wormhole Pairs

Just like L-Gates, one random wormhole can summon a 9-system cluster which is connected to galaxy via single wormhole. The cluster is always inhibited by The Chosen, fanatic purifiers empire with %25 chance to appear each game.

Is it worth disabling wormholes for the possibility of The Chosen spawn? That’s for you to decide. Some players love wormholes for its flavor. But some really hate it because wormholes render chokepoints useless, cause pathing issues, and force diplomacy with very distant empires.

Stellaris Late Game Lag

To fully experience the game, reduce the mid-game and end-game dates. So that you can see the crisis factions and other events before the game becomes unplayable due to lag. If the crisis factions become too strong for you, just reduce their power or game difficulty in the galaxy settings. I think this is the perfect solution for end-game population boom. Finish the game earlier if you can to bypass end-game lag!

Stellaris developers are working on fixing performance issues all the time. But the core game design and engine aren’t allowing optimization breakthroughs. Besides each update is adding new content. Every new addition increases as expected. It is a never-ending cycle.

Last Thoughts

In the end, Stellaris is a 4x grand strategy Paradox game. Thus, it’ll always get laggy in the late game. All you can do is reducing game graphics, optimizing galaxy settings, and upgrading your gaming rig.

Still, adjusting galaxy settings in a right way will allow you to experience best game performance possible. You can also reduce the graphic settings, but I think you already did that.

Remember to keep your gaming rig and yourself cool too. Thanks for reading, leave a comment below, I would like to read your opinion also.

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