Why Are Multiplayer Games So Toxic?

Toxicity in online gaming explained.

why multiplayer toxic

Why people are toxic in multiplayer games? People are toxic when playing games or participating any kind of competitive activity. It’s human nature!

One of the biggest reasons of toxicity is the anonymity. No negative consequences bring out the worst in humans. It goes both ways too. Since you don’t know anything about the person on the other end, you can be much more toxic towards them as if they are non-humans.

People hate losing and take gaming too seriously. Slightest things get on their way to victory is intolerable for them.

Toxicity begets toxicity. If a game allows it players to be toxic, toxicity will only multiply. Even if you’re a stoic person with the utmost emotional control, constantly playing with toxic players will turn you into one of them in no time. So, in most cases, game companies and moderators are to blame for tolerating such behavior.

Not to mention cheaters in multiplayer games… Cheaters are the worst of the worst. I prefer toxic players over cheaters any day. But it’s all a circle you see. Encountering a cheater will turn anyone into toxic. No normal human being can tolerate unfairness.

Hyper Competition in Gaming

Everyone wants to win, especially in competitive games. Once a team starts losing, shit hits the fan.

It’s all simple really. Normal games, little or zero toxicity. Ranked games, ultra toxic! Especially when your team is losing. That’s the natural way of things in online gaming.

In competitive online games, players sweat and try hard to win. But no matter how good one plays; a bad team-mate can pull down the overall team performance. You should be understanding and compassionate towards the bad team-mate. I know I know, that’s not how reality works!

Hate hyper competition in gaming? Stuck with the casual games and never play ranked / ladder / competitive modes.

You can’t be mad at other players for being hyper competitive in competitive queues.

Toxic Gaming

There are billions of toxic games! But hyper competitive games are the most toxic ones. Like League of Legends… It’s hands down the most toxic game ever. But other games too can be as toxic as League.

Most toxic games ever:

  1. League of Legends < 10 reasons to quit League of Legends.
  2. Valorant
  3. Fortnite
  4. Any Call of Duty Game
  5. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  6. GTA Online
  7. Rust
  8. Rocket League
  9. Rainbow Six Siege
  10. Ark

I mean, they’re all great games. But totally not worth the emotional damage.

All in all, all multiplayer games are toxic to a degree. If you still want to play them, better find a team you can truly enjoy the game. Because playing with random team-mates will always end up in discord. Only way to avoid toxicity is playing with a solid team.

That’s not enough either. You need to mute opponents too. Because some of them will try to provoke you, falsely accuse you, or straight up swear. What can I say? Welcome to the internet.

People are people. We’ll either deal with the toxicity or stop playing toxic games altogether. That would be the ultimate solution.

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