Why Can’t You Complete Games Anymore?

Having problems finishing games you've started? I got the answers.

why can't you finish games anymore

Got many games on Steam but completed none of them? You’re now wondering, why can’t you complete games anymore? It wasn’t the case before. But times have changed.

I used to complete any game I play. But it was a really long time before. Back then there weren’t many games or entertainment options. Also, I could focus on what I’m doing. Now I can’t focus on anything…

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We all have ADD (Attention Deficiency Disorder) because of the fast-paced nature of our century. We can’t focus. So, when a game becomes a little boring, hard, or whatever, we simply go to another game. That’s the main reason why we can’t complete games anymore.

I’ve come up with 5 core reasons why you can’t complete games anymore. So, let’s begin.

1. Dopamine Addiction

Hyperarousal, dopamine hit, addiction, all of these are intertwined. You want to play more and more because video games know how to hit you with dopamine rush and get you hooked on playing. Every little bonus, improvement, sound, kill, gain, and positive thing in gaming is hitting you with dopamine. Basically, you’re bombarded with constant sense of accomplishment. Which is obviously false, a kind of deception.

Recently I’ve discussed why Paradox games so addictive, but in truth, almost all games are addictive. Only different thing is the level of addiction.

Too much time wasted on gaming. What’s worse, long periods of gaming can cause anxiety, depression, and dopamine withdrawal.

2. Too Many Games

There are literally tens of thousands of games to play. Each day a new game is being released. That’s because game creation engines become mainstream, there are many how to videos on Youtube, and digital creation jobs getting more attention.

Again, I’m going back to attention deficiency disorder. When a game is not hitting us with constant dopamine, it gets boring, we can’t focus in long-term. So, what do we do? We simply play another game. Because there are so many options.

Even if we can focus, there is no way of completing too many games. Especially if they’re long. In any game with +10 hours of gameplay, the percentage of players who completed the game drops significantly. You can see this statistic on steam achievements of any long game.

3. Quality of Video Games Gone Down in Recent Years

Graphics are keep getting better, but gameplays are getting worse and worse. I feel like playing hollow games with nothing exciting in it, except the graphics. Developers should stop focusing on cosmetics and start weighting on writing, mechanics, and gameplay.

What else? Microtransactions, DLCs, and lootboxes are ruining the gaming. I’m trying to have some fun with a game but the developers constantly trying to rip me off…

Back then, developers were trying to make the best game. That’s how you get masterpieces. But now, they try to make games that’ll bring the most capital. Also, developers are dumbing down their games to appeal wider audiences. Therefore, the games are becoming easier, emptier, and literally pointless for real gamers. All in all, greed ruined everything in gaming.

4. You Don’t Have Time

Younger people have much more time for gaming. But as you get older, the time becomes much more valuable. We can’t fool around and play games all the time. Therefore, we can’t complete games. Especially, the long games with +20 hours of gameplay takes forever to complete. Wish I had more time!

You have several options if you want to play games, but you don’t have much time:

5. You’re Getting Old

We all want to stay young forever, but that’s not how things work. We’re all getting old, it’s the inevitable power of nature. It’s not a bad thing either.

You can play and enjoy the games at every age. There is no such a thing as being too old for gaming. However, most people’s interested shift to other things when they get older. So, you might or might not lose your interest of gaming.

I know several elder people who still enjoy gaming. But they’re an exception. Like I said before, as people got old, they lost interest on various things, including gaming.

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