Why JRPG Games are Cringe?

For those who are not familiar with old cult classic JRPGs, these games come off as cringe. How so? JRPG culture explained.

jrpg cringe

JRPG games are cringe. That’s just reality… But why JRPG games are so cringe? Probably because of the cultural differences between Japanese and western people. Anime culture is also has super high impact on the JRPGs. Some like anime like myself, some find it cringe. Well, some animes are truly cringe but not all of them. So, we can apply the same dynamic to the western RPGs and JRPGs.

First Japanese RPGs I played on PlayStation 1. It was a unique experience for that time. But now, linear Japanese style turn-based combat RPGs doesn’t appeal to me anymore. Currently I prefer RPGs like Skyrim, Cyberpunk, Witcher 3, and Baldur’s Gate 3.


Why you think JRPGs are bad? Probably JRPGs doesn’t appeal to you. You prefer western RPGs like I do. But you need to understand others. Some played JRPGs on PS1 like I do when they were younger and familiar with the JRPG style.

All in all, JRPGs are not everyone’s cup of tea. You might dislike it but there is an audience and as long as there is an audience for it, studios will develop JRPGs.

JRPG cliches:

JRPGs That Are Not Cringe

I don’t like JRPGs in general. But there are some I enjoy. If you are looking for JRPGs that are not cringe and actually good, check out my 5 favorite JRPG on below.

Looking for JRPGs that doesn’t make you cringe? 5 Japanese role playing games that are actually good:

1. Tactics Ogre


Intended for Seinen demographics. Those who watch anime already know what Seinen means but let me explain it briefly for those who don’t know.

2. Edge Of Eternity



3. Nier Replicant



4. Yakuza: Like a Dragon



5. CrossCode



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