Games Where You Are The NPC

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be an NPC? If so, check out the games below that are letting you play as a non player character.

play as npc games

Welcome to the list of 10 unique games where you are the NPC. I bet you haven’t played a game like that before because the player is always the hero in gaming.

Want to play as NPC? It’s easy. Play the game where you’re not the hero, not the main character, and irrelevant to the games story. That’s the perfect NPC playthrough!


NPC means non-player-character in video games. Characters controlled by players are player characters whereas characters controlled by the AI are non-player-characters. As a result, NPCs use pre-written lines, follow pre-made routes, and act a static designed way.

Playing as NPC is actually a paradox, how can you be a player and the NPC? Let’s figure this out.

10 games you play as NPC:

1. Questributor


It’s one of those games where you’re the quest giver.

2. NPC – Now Playable Character



3. Moonlighter



4. Viscera Cleanup Detail


Let’s continue with a simulation game. Viscera Cleanup Detail is a game where you’re a cleaner who’s assigned to clean the mess left by hero.

Alien invasion and subsequent infestation destroyed everything, then a hero raised and killed all the invaders. What about the mess created by gallons of alien blood? It’s your job to clean.

5. Skyrim


You can get Skyrim merchant mods, set up your own stall in the market, and wait for adventurers to come trade with you! That’s what I did for hours… Felt like a true NPC.

You can also be a blacksmith, fisherman, alchemist, caravaneer, collector, healer, etc. in Skyrim with or without mods. All you have to do is to dress like and like an NPC.

Just don’t slay dragons. That’s anti NPC behavior.

6. Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale


Recettear is a game about running an item shop in a town where adventurers pass through all the time.

You can decorate, stock, and design your shop. Also befriend heroes.

It’s an old game but a cult classic one. So, ignore the graphics and enjoy the gameplay.

7. Potionomics


Potionomics is a fairly recent game released in 2022. It’s about managing a potion shop.

A potion shop owner has many duties such as gathering ingredients, brewing potions, adjusting prices, refilling stock, haggling, and hiring heroes.

You don’t go off adventuring or whatever. You’re the potion shop owner, you must provide healing / mana potions for heroes as a good NPC.

8. Travellers Rest


You’ve been a shop keeper, potion brewer, cleaner, quest giver, and more in the games of this page. And for now, you’re an innkeeper! If you liked the title, check out other tavern management games.

You play as a tavern owner, cook, serve customers (heroes), clean up, and rent rooms to travelers.

The game is inspired by the Stardew Valley. If you like one, you’ll like the other too.

9. Sims 4


To me, The Sims is the ultimate NPC simulator. There are no heroes, no main character, no nothing! Only Sims trying to make a humble living. That was my The Sims 4 experience anyway.

Forget about my Sim, even I feel like an NPC playing the Sims. Because AI controls your characters most of the time.

10. Real Lives


Real Lives is a browser-based game launched in 2001. It’s still up, that’s what I call success!

Motto of Real Lives:

The Largest Gamified Simulation Engine of Human Experience on the Planet

In the game, you play as a random person, in a random place on earth. Your purpose is to deal with the whatever circumstances you’re handed.

Your character will grow up, need a job, and aim to build a family. It’s just the simulation of real life. You can buy a house, move countries, switch jobs, adopt a pet, deal with health, etc.

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