Games Where You Play as Aztec, Inca or Maya

12 Mesoamerica themed video games about history, mythology, culture, and of course action!

mesoamerica games

Welcome to the list of 12 video games featuring tribes from Mesoamerica such as Aztec, Maya, Zapotec, Olmec, and Toltec. However, I’ve included Inca themed games too even though Incan Empire was located in Andes Mountain range of South America. Only because they are culturally very similar.

NATIVE AMERICAN GAMES < Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois, Navajo, etc.

What would be the common theme of games about Mesoamerican tribes? Oh, nothing, just human sacrifice, constant wars amongst tribes, and Spanish (conquistadors) invaders. Once you play games about Aztecs, Incans, and the Mayan, check out the conquistador games too for experiencing other side of the coin.

If you have time, go watch the movie Apocalypto and TV series Hernan too for ultimate Mesoamerican experience!

12 Aztec, Inca, or Maya games:

1. Civ 6


Can play as Aztec, Incan, or Mayan.

2. Europa Universalis IV


Can pick pre-colonialism Aztec, Incan, or Mayan and prepare for what’s coming!

3. Aztecs The Last Sun



4. El Dorado: The Golden City Builder



5. Ecumene Aztec



6. Mictlan An Ancient Mythical Tale



7. Aztec: The Curse in the Heart of the City of Gold



8. Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors


Montezuma’s defense against Hernán Cortés,

9. Aztlan Uncovered



10. Itorah


(Mesoamerican Exploration Adventure Game)

11. The New World (1521)

The New World (1521) is a Mount & Blade Warband mod that lets you play as a native American and defend your lands against the conquistadors.



12. Aztech Forgotten Gods



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