Procedurally Generated Maps & Worlds Sucks and Here is Why

Believe it or not, procedurally generated maps and worlds can never compete with hand-made art.

procedurally generated maps




Procedural Generation Games

Procedural generation maps simply end up being ugly. Yet they are not the worst. The absolute worst is the procedural generation character models. That creates real abominations. Just look at the character in the image above… What is this horrid creature? Is it some kind of goblin mutant? I have no words for it.

Some of the most popular video games using procedural generation:


What’s Next?

Probably the next step would be AI generated video games… They will suck the most obviously. However, if we see huge leaps in the AI technology in the next years, AI generated games might actually be great. But that’s probably very distant future.


Is anyone else tired of seeing “Procedurally Generated” touted as a feature? : Games (

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