Stellaris Fallen Empire Requests

Fallen empires will have requests, tasks, and demands for the regular empires. They're the biggest players on galaxy after all.

stellaris fallen empire tasks

Fallen empires are dormant until they awaken at the end-game. It’s not guaranteed but after awakening, they can declare on their rival fallen empire, that would be the war in heaven. Anyways, fallen empires are always dismissive towards the player. They start the game in a dormant state. You can’t really interact with them, except sending insults. (Stellaris insults compilation) But they can interact with you. In Stellaris, a fallen empire can send requests, tasks, or even demands. If you comply, they’ll send gifts in return.

Easter egg: Ancient Caretakers fallen empire doesn’t understand what you mean by insults because of a malfunction. So, no relation decrease!


Pro tip: You should always accept fallen empire requests for possible future rewards. (And to avoid punishment.)

Requests are usually very easy events ends up giving +100 decaying opinion with the fallen empire. Accepting a request will also significantly increase the chance of receiving fallen empire gifts.

Tasks are going to war against another empire who offended the fallen empire somehow. Refusing tasks will result in -25 opinion. Be careful, fallen empires will sen demands at -100 opinion. Accepting a task and not fulfilling the objective ends up in greater opinion loss.

Demands are ultimatums, you reject, they destroy you with punishment casus belli. Result of this war is execution of all your leaders, -33% influence and -%10 happiness for 10 years. Pretty grim. So, always submit to fallen empire demands unless you have enough fleets to defeat them in battle.

Fallen Empire Gifts

Fallen empires can send gifts to the empires who completed their tasks. Some of the rewards are extremely good, therefore you should always accept Fallen Empire tasks and demands. Rewards are just too good to pass.

Possible fallen empire gifts:

Unfortunately, you can’t choose your reward. They’ll usually send resources as gifts. Because chances of receiving other rewards are much lower. You’ll be very lucky to receive fleets.

As for the holy worlds of Holy Guardian fallen empire, they can be colonized once you have the head of zarqlan relic. The relic can be found after excavating ancient tomb archeological site. The site will be revealed in the Mid-Game.

Scion Origin Gifts

Scion is an empire origin making your empire start as a vassal of a fallen empire. Starting as a fallen empire vassal has its pros and cons. But pros overweight the cons a lot. Keep in mind, it’s the easiest origin in Stellaris.


Fallen empire overlord will never make demands in this origin. They will simply send gifts for free. Also protect the player empire from all outside forces. That’s why it’s a recommended origin for beginners. I choose this origin whenever I want to steamroll the galaxy.

Possible scion gifts:

Can also colonize the holy worlds of your fallen empire overlord without any issue. Getting free gaia worlds early is really OP. Though you need to start very close to your fallen empire overlord. And your overlord must be holy guardians fallen empire in order to spawn holy worlds.

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