Kaiserreich Factions in Hearts of Iron IV

Here is the list of all available factions of Kaiserreich mod.

kaiserreich factions

Kaiserreich is one of the best alternative history mods of Hearts of Iron IV in my opinion. The popularity and the download numbers also agree with me on this regard. It adds lots of content, flavor as well as new factions to the Hearts of Iron IV. So, today I will be listing the formed factions of Kaiserreich in the start date.


Must be remembered, many more factions can be formed during the playtime. I have mentioned the details below.

Now it begins. Here is the list of all Kaiserreich factions:

1. Reichspakt

German Empire is the faction leader of Reichspakt. For those who are wondering, Reichspakt means imperial pact.

Other members of Reichspakt are:

2. Third Internationale

International Workers’ Association

Commune of France is the faction leader of the Third Internationale.

Union of Britain is the only member of the Third Internationale at the start. However, other countries with similar Ideologies can join this faction via focus tree. Before the second Weltkrieg start, around 7 countries joins this faction more or less.

3. Entente

Dominion of Canada happens to be the leader of this shadow of an old alliance.

Other members of the Entente are:

4. Austro Hungarian Monarchy

Remnants of the Central Powers faction that was formed during the first Weltkrieg. Its leader is of course the Austrian Empire.

Rest of the members are:

5. Qing Empire

Last alliance exist at the start of Kaiserreich is Chinese faction Qing Empire. So, its faction leader is Qing Government.

Other members of the Qing Empire are:

Of course there are lots of formable factions exists in the Kaiserreich focus trees. Such as Asian Socialist Union, Cairo Pact, Belgrade Pact, Co-Prosperity Sphere, Istanbul Pact, Moscow Accord, etc.

There is also one economic faction can be found at the start date. Which is called the Mitteleuropa, meaning middle Europe.

Kaiserreich Mitteleuropa

Officially titled the Central European Economic Union, Mitteleuropa is a customs and economic union unifying Germany and its sphere of influence, established after the Weltkrieg. As the leading member state of Mitteleuropa and the most dominant power in the union, Germany reaps the lion’s share of the benefits.

This is simply an economic union, similar to current European Union. Since it is lead by the German Empire, its member bonuses can be improved by using the German focus tree.

Kaiserreich Mitteleuropa members are:

There you go. Now you know all about the Kaiserreich factions. Do tell me which faction you prefer to play. Also, if you haven’t installed the Kaiserreich yet, make sure to do so. Because it is really fun mod. Besides it helps you with the repetitiveness of vanilla HOI4.

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