Watching a Game or Playing

Watching stream of a game or playing it yourself! Which one is the best choice? Pros and cons explained.

watching vs playing games

Watching streams is one of the most popular hobbies of our time. It’s especially popular amongst the younger generations. They prefer watching others play instead of playing themselves. Which one is the best though? Watching a game or playing? There are multiple arguments against both. But I’ll say my preference right away, I would rather play the game myself.


Streaming becomes more and more popular each day. We as modern humans replace physical hobbies with digital ones! Such as watching streams, gaming, Netflix, TikTok, podcast, etc.

We prefer streams over playing, podcast over talking, e-sports over real sports… Shut this reality down already mr. Demiurge!

Why Do Millennials and Gen Z Watch Stream Instead of Playing?

Millennials are old now. They’re all grow up playing games because there was no streaming back then! Most of them prefer playing over streaming. Not all though! There are definitely hundreds of thousands of millennials prefer watching over playing.

Why do gen z prefers watching game instead of playing? Gen Z grow up with social media! They watch streamers all the time. Even look up to them…

They grow up watching streamers, discussing about them, and even try streaming at one point! It’s a culture now. That’s why most gen Z prefer watching streamers. You are not one of them? Congratulations!

Some prefer watching because they can’t finish games. Why can’t your complete games anymore? There is one simple answer. ADHD. We can’t focus on simplest things anymore as human beings. I blame TikTok and Youtube shorts for that!

Reasons to prefer watching video games instead of playing:

Watching a Game Playing a Game
Just requires internet. Requires advanced PC.
Less stress. Stress in competitive games.
Zero effort. Some effort.
Relaxing. Tense.
Some degree of social interaction. No social interaction whatsoever in single player.
Always accessible. Games are expensive!
Commentator. No commentator except yourself!
Professional e-sports. You’re not professional…

Personally, I prefer playing. Most streamers come to me as obnoxious people! They’re annoying… That’s just me though. I’m sure there are some entertaining streamers out there worth watching.

As an old dude, I’ll stick with the playing for now. You should too play yourself instead of watching some random asshole.

Do you prefer watching a game or playing? Do share your toughs! I am looking forward to.

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