Stuck in BG3 Turn Based Mode? Solution Inside

Baldur's Gate 3 stuck in turn based mode outside combat.

bg3 stuck in turn-based

The combat in Baldur’s Gate 3 is turn based. But the map roaming is real time. So, if you are stuck in BG3 turn based mode outside combat, that is because you accidentally activated it. In order to un-stuck, and disable the turn-based mode, you must click on the clock thing above the character portrait in the middle. Turn based mode hotkey is shift + space. Just press the buttons at the same time and you are good to go.


Developers added an optional turn-based mode feature for out-of-combat free roaming. You are stuck in it simply because it is accidentally activated.

All in all, all you need to do is disable this feature by clicking on clock or pressing shift + space BG3 hotkeys. For other problems like BG3 character stuck or infinite loading screen, scroll down for solutions.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Character Stuck

One of the worst things about gaming is getting your character stuck. Can’t move, jump, teleport, etc. Basically, sometimes it is impossible to un-stuck your character.

This is a bug filled early access game. Your characters might get stuck as-well. But don’t worry, there are some tricks that will help you in this situation. No need to load an earlier save.

First thing to try should be the fast travel. However, in some locations, you can’t use that feature. If that is the case, simply kill your stuck character with friendly fire. Deal aerial damage if necessary. Then resurrect your dead party member with scroll of revivify to a flat surface. This is the simple un-stuck trick.

There are three ways to un-stuck a character in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  1. Travel to camp.
  2. Resurrect scroll.
  3. Re-load older save.

BG3 Stuck on Loading Screen

This is the worst thing that can happen. Your game stuck on loading screen probably because of outdated driver. If your driver needs an update, Larian launcher will tell you to do it anyway. So, don’t ignore these warnings.

Update your graphic drivers, windows, and game files. Especially don’t forget to verify game files because data might be corrupt. Also switching between BG3 Vulkan DX11 graphic engines might solve this issue for you.

One other option is reducing the graphic settings of your game. That will fix this issue for those who are using old hardware to play Baldur’s Gate.

Sometimes the same problem manifest itself as the infinite Baldur’s Gate 3 black screen. Solutions are the same though.

I hate to say this but, if none of the solutions solve your problem, you might need a new PC with better specs.

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